SDML blockquote element documentation
The blockquote
element is used to contain an extended quote. Example uses include poems, paragraphs from books or articles or speeches.
Example code
body { blockquote(cite="") { p { "Welcome to my website. I mainly use it publish some of my projects, but there are a few other things too. I have built several projects since I was first introduced to HTML in 2012, steadily expanding my knowledge of computer science along the way, though I have much to learn. I haven't made all of my projects public: some are not in a good enough state, and some I simply haven't got round to uploading yet. Still, there are several on this website, and some of the most interesting ones are listed below." } cite { "donotturnoff, " link(href="") { "" } } } }
All elements have the global attributes.
Additional attributes
- Specifies the source of the quote.
Default style
SDTPBrowser support
Not yet implemented.